[영어일기] Why C++ is better than Python for begineers

최대 1 분 소요

I didn’t know before I solved HackerRank algorithms, stack, name as Maximum Element solution on cpp.

C++ can efficient time to execute program.

When I solved problems on Python, It was convenient to coding. Because Python has a great function for solving problems.

But C++ is unmanaged language and I should solve problems to think without convenient function.
And It makes efficient time for executing programs.

In fact, Python also can efficiently time for executing programs.
But most of the people usually lost how to make code which cost-efficient time because of so easy to solve great function.

I am not seniors. So I would prefer to code, solution on cpp for learning.

In conclusion, C++ can think more fundamentally coding than Python.
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It is not formal information, just my opinion.
Please read it like feathers.
