[영어일기]Search C# on Youtube

최대 1 분 소요

Monday, January 6th, 2020
Rainy all day

I woke up later than usual.
I and my brother went to Open Lab to study.
I searched on how to learn C# and finally, I found good youtube video.

Video has 21 lectures. I thought it is not too hard for me. So I execute Unity and followed the course.
The course teaches how to use C# in Unity.
Youtuber told me some functions that what is used in games on Unity.
It was so useful for me.

After the study, we went to PC room for play game with my brother’s friend, a soldier on leave.
We played Starcraft 2 UseMap.
UseMap game name ‘New BattleShip” and “Mini Game” was so fun.

On our way home, We inspired that game we played.
We also wanted to make that game that people makes fun.
